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School and Youth Group Competition

School and Youth Group Competition

To celebrate the launch of The Real Easter Egg, a new competition is announced. We would like children to draw their version of what happened on Palm Sunday according to the Bible. Also they could also use a short quotation from the Gospels in their design.

The Real Easter Egg is all about sharing the Easter story so we would be fascinated to see how young people visualise what happened that first Holy Week. There will be prizes of £150 for the winning children’s group, primary and secondary school with runner-up prizes of £50. The winning children will each receive a Special Edition Real Easter Egg. Entries need to be with us by 6th March. 

Entry details

The competition is open to primary schools, secondary schools, Sunday schools / Messy Church or other youth groups such as Guides, Boys’ Brigade etc.

All entries must be completed on A4 paper. On the back of each entry you need to indicate the name and age of the child, school and a contact number. The contact number should be that of the school or leader of the group only and not the child.

Entries should be sent to MCC Basement Suite, 11a Eagle Brow, Lymm, Cheshire, WA13 0LP and must arrive by 5pm on Tuesday 6th March 2018. We regret that we will be unable to return posters or to receive entries via email. The competition is open to all children but limited to one entry per child.

We hope that you will be able to support the Real Easter Egg campaign and have some fun with the competition.

Winners will be announced online.

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