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Real Easter Egg 2017 launched

Real Easter Egg 2017 launched

The egg that shares the Easter story in 2017

The new look Real Easter Egg 2017 range has been launched and churches are being asked to encourage people to support this unique way of sharing the story of Easter.

This year a 24 page Easter story-activity book illustrated by Alida Massari is included in the Original, Egg Hunt and Dark eggs. The Special Edition has an Easter traditions booklet inside. The Sharing box, with 30 eggs, comes with colour-in posters.

Out of the 80 million Easter eggs sold in this part of the world every year, The Real Easter Egg is the only one which has a copy of the Easter story in the box, is made of Fairtrade chocolate and makes a donation to charity from sales.

The Real Easter Egg was launched in 2010 but the supermarkets turned down the idea. It was left to churches and church schools to place orders to fund The Meaningful Chocolate Company to make The Real Easter Egg.

To date, more than one million eggs have been sold with 750,000 of these sent through the post directly to churches and schools. The rest have been sold through independent retailers and supermarkets.

The success of The Real Easter Egg has meant that the production of Fairtrade chocolate has moved to the UK. Over £250,000 has been raised from sales for charitable causes.

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