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Real Advent Competition Winners

Real Advent Competition Winners

We had loads of entries for our competition this year. Lots of clever and attractive calendar covers with the theme of Follow the Star.Thanks for all of the entries- there were hundreds to choose from but we finally arrived at these entries. Winners got £150 for their school or group and chocolate for themselves while runners up received £50 for their school or group and some chocolate for themselves. See below.

Youth group winner

This amazing scene from Droitwich Messy Church shows the shepherds and wise men following the star to Bethlehem.

Senior winner

We loved this superb entry from Coedcae school. This beautiful portrait shows a girl ‘following the star’ to the child Jesus in her prayers and thoughts.

Junior winner


A very bright and colourful nativity scene here from St Faith and St Martin school. The bright star shines over all as the shepherds and magi approach the Light of the World.

Youth group runner up

A lovely painting of Mary and Joseph with Jesus. And in the heavens rests a smiling star.  A lovely scene from Walton on Thames Methodist church.

Senior runner up

This picture from Egerton Rothsey School is a great mix of colour and fine pencil drawing. It shows a traditional scene as the magi follow the star to Bethlehem.

Junior runner up

Another colourful nativity scene from Lawford primary or rather pre nativity scene.

Mary and Joseph approach the stable where Jesus will be born while the great star shines overhead. We love how the animals look on with great interest as the Mary and Joseph arrive.

Youth group honourable mention

From South Shields Girls’ Brigade, We have all the characters brought together around a star. And those smiling sheep reflect all our happiness.

Senior honourable mention

As they follow the star, the wise men contemplate what they will find. Or are they reflecting on what they have seen as the star shines over Bethlehem?

Junior honourable mention

This also comes from Lawford school. Everyone is smiling and almost bouncing with happiness and that is why we loved it. 

Many thanks to all the young people, teachers and leaders who supported our competition. We wish you all a blessed Advent.

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