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Real Advent Calendar at CRE - free tickets

Real Advent Calendar at CRE - free tickets

Supermarkets lose faith during the pandemic
For the first time in eight years supermarkets will not be stocking The Real Advent Calendar. The Real Advent Calendar was launched in 2002 and includes a 24 page Christmas Story activity book and supports Fairtrade. No other calendar does this so it's absence from the shelves of supermarkets marks a significant step. 
We tried our best with Tesco, our usual stockist, but it seems there was no room on their shelves for the Christmas story this year. If you are one of the 60,000 people who usually buy a Real Advent Calendar at Tesco then you need to buy at CRE or from our website. But be quick as there will not be enough calendars to go round and we ran out early last year.
Where to buy
Real Advent Calendars cost £4.50 and come in cases of 18 or as singles. You can buy here or at CRE - see below.

You can pick up Real Advent Calendars at this year's national CRE event  from the KCLCT Bookshop (stand A28).  

We have unlimited free tickets for visitors. To get your free ticket click the button below or click here.

CRE National 2021: 12-14 Oct 2021
Sandown Park, Surrey

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