(mainland GB only)

Easter competition winners announced
Pictured above are some of the hundreds of entries for our Easter competition included with this year's Real Easter Egg.
The competition was to answer ten questions about that first Holy Week and Easter. The first five answers could be found in our story book while the next five need a little more research.
The Junior category only had to answer the first five questions (though we didn’t penalise those who had a go at all ten) while the Seniors had to have a go at all ten. We accepted answers which made any correct points. Winners of each category will receive £50 worth of book tokens while two runners up in each category will get £25 worth of tokens. Read below for the answers and the winners.
Quiz answers
- The people waved palm branches/leaves when Jesus entered Jerusalem.
- Jesus washed His friends’ feet on the Thursday.
- Jesus shared wine with His friends at his supper.
- Pontius Pilate or just Pilate put Jesus on trial. (We accepted answers that referred to the Sanhedrin).
- Jesus rose from the dead/was resurrected/was risen from the dead/rose again on Easter Sunday.
- The only one of the 12 at the crucifixion was John or the disciple whom Jesus loved.
- Peter denied Jesus 3 times after his arrest.
- Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane.
- Golgotha means the place of the skull or just the skull.
- Mary thought Jesus was the gardener after the resurrection.
Our Junior winner was Mia and the runners up were Alfie and Emma.
Our Senior winner was Lois and the runners up were Michael and Fabian.
(First names used only for data protection reasons. All winners have been notified and will receive their prizes in the coming week.)
Congratulations to all of our winners and thanks to all who entered our Easter competition.