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Competition Winners Announced

Competition Winners Announced

There were six winners chosen at random from entries to our Leading Lights competition. This competition came with our Meaningful Treats and asked young people to nominate someone who was either a leading light in their lives or to the world.

The nominations ranged from historical figures to community leaders, family members and God. One winning nomination was for a local church leader because of 'the fun way he does his services...he has a children's talk which is really fun and explains more about Jesus in a better way." Also, we had a winning nomination for another church leader who has 'pioneered light community beacon events and led, inspired and drawn others into this event held on 31st October." 

One young winner nominated his brother who has saved his life twice from drowning! Another winner nominated her Nan who "was such a nice caring woman who put everybody else first, listened, cared and made them laugh." One winner nominated her mum who "helps me and whenever I'm feeling sad she always talks to me."

Our final winner nominated her dad because "he guides me when I'm struggling and helps me." All great nominations and each winner will receive some Host of angels decorations and a thank you bar of chocolate to share (or even gift to their leading light!)


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