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Choccy donations hit new heights

Choccy donations hit new heights

Our chocolate donation scheme has had record donations during the pandemic.

The scheme allows customers to buy chocolate online which is then sent in bulk as a donation. Since the pandemic donations have become an important way for people to show they care. In 2020 the scheme has seen 8,500 Easter Eggs being donated to food banks and estimates that about 11,000 chocolate buttons will be sent to support the NHS and care workers.

Recent donations have included 500 bags of chocolate buttons sent to Walton Neuroscience hospital for distribution amongst staff and for use with Project Wingman. 

Project Wingman involves furloughed airline crews setting up a luxury first class lounge in a hospital for the day. Pilots and cabin crew chat, offer time and space to NHS staff giving them a chance to unwind before, during and after hospital shifts. 

Care staff and residents living in homes which specialise in supporting adults with learning disabilities have also benefited. Sadly some of the homes were hit by COVID 19 suffering illness and loss. 

The homes, which are run by Catholic Care, are wonderful caring, happy environments where tenant’s live active lives. Over the last few months because of Covid -19 life has changed for the  tenant’s and staff. Trips to the shops for special treats have stopped along with weekly visits to the local café and ice cream parlour. To have chocolate buttons delivered to the homes will make a huge difference to the morale of tenant’s and the well being of staff relaxing after a long shift.

To donate click here

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