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Celebrate the CRE connection with unlimited free £8 tickets

Celebrate the CRE connection with unlimited free £8 tickets

The Real Easter Egg is celebrating it's tenth anniversary this year but did you know that the Christian Resources Exhibition played a big part in its success?

Back in 2010 the supermarkets turned down the idea of a religious egg with the story of Easter in the box so we took the Real Easter Egg to the Christian Resources Exhibition asking churches to crowd fund the idea by placing orders. 

Hundreds of stalls were offering resources,  thousands of church members looking for ideas and inspiration. CRE was the ideal place to bring the Real Easter Egg. People wanted to taste the chocolate, hold the boxes and meet us, something you can't do online!

Click the image above for your free CRE tickets or click here.

*Due to unforeseen circumstances we will not be at CRE Stoneleigh, but there will be hundreds of other exhibitors present.

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