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Advent competition winners announced
Competition winners announced
We are delighted to announce the winning entries for our Real Advent Calendar competition. Our challenge was to design a Christmas card with the theme of Mary and Joseph's Journey to Bethlehem. All the winners will receive their book token prizes. Thank you to all who took part.
Senior Winner

Our senior winner was this picture by Megan , aged 14. We loved the evocation of a beautiful, quiet, starry evening as Mary and Joseph reach their destination of Bethlehem.
Our senior winner was this picture by Megan , aged 14. We loved the evocation of a beautiful, quiet, starry evening as Mary and Joseph reach their destination of Bethlehem.
Junior Winner

Our Junior winner was this picture by Peter, aged 9. Mary and Joseph are making their way to the stable on a path which looks rather like a Christmas tree. The wise men and shepherds are also making their journey to see Jesus. This would make a lovely, festive card.
5 and under Winner

Our 5 and under winner was this picture by Inigo, aged 5. Both Joseph and Mary look full of joy as they make their way to Bethlehem. The donkey looks very determined to get there too. This shows the mix of joy and hard work involved in the journey.
Senior Runner ups

Our first senior runner up was this picture by Abigail, aged 11. This puts Mary centre stage but Joseph is also there, looking joyful and supportive as they make their way through the brightly coloured landscape.

Our second senior runner up was this picture by Josiah, aged 11. We loved the sense of movement and journey in this picture. Having the characters on the left and Bethlehem on the right really gives a sense of the journey ahead.
Junior Runner ups

Our first Junior runner up was this picture by Charlotte, aged 9. The use of black and white is very atmospheric but also reminds us of how some of the journey may have taken place in darkness. Mary and Joseph seem to be attended upon by an angel as they make their way to Bethlehem.

Our second Junior runner up was this picture by Chloe, aged 6. There is a lot of bright and joyful colour as Mary and Joseph make their last stages of their journey on foot as stars blaze in the sky.
5 and Under Runner ups

Our first 5 and under up was this picture by Sophia, aged 5. Everyone looks so happy in this picture to be making their way to Bethlehem.

Our second under 5 runner up was this picture by Daniel, aged 5. Lots of colour and bright details paint a joy filled picture of Mary and Joseph on their journey.